Surgical Management of Pediatric Cleft Lip and Palate - Review Article
Life Sciences-Health
Cleft Lip, Cleft Palate, Congenital Anomalies, Genetic, Environmental Factor, SyndromeAbstract
The most prevalent serial congenital defects affecting the orofacial region are cleft lip and palate. It can happen alone, in various combinations, and/or in tandem with other congenital malformations, most notably congenital cardiac conditions. They are also associated features in over 300 recognized syndromes. To attain functional and aesthetic well-being, patients with orofacial cleft deformities must receive treatment at the appropriate time and at the appropriate age. Coordinated treatment from a variety of specialities, including oral and maxillofacial surgery, otolaryngology, genetics/dysmorphology, speech/language pathology, orthodontics, prosthodontics, and others, is necessary for the successful management of a child born with a cleft lip and palate. The purpose of this article is to review what is known about cleft lip and palate among general practitioners. The current study aims to summarize and update current evidences regarding surgical management of cleft lip and palate in pediatrics. The objective is to identify clinical judgments about cleft treatment that are supported by randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and to educate parents and future mothers and fathers how to prevent the occurrence of CLP in the first place. Introduction, epidemiology, clinical characteristics, etiologic factors, and management of cleft lip and palate have all been covered in a review of the literature.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Ashwag Siddik Noorsaeed, Rawabi Mohammed A Alkhudhayri, Alanood Mohammed Alzogibi, Huriyah Saad S Almutairi, Amjad Mohammed B Barnawi, Reham Tariq M Tallab, Mohammed Abdulmajeed M Alghadeer, Mohammed Hassan A Alzahrani, Tariq Abdullatif S Al Naeem, Almajhdi Faisal Fahad N

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