Polycystic Ovary Syndrome as A Cause of Obesity in Females
Life Sciences-Polycystic Ovary in Obesity
PPolycystic Ovary Syndrome, Obesity, MetabolismAbstract
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine disorder in women of reproductive age, that develops in girls and women who are genetically predisposed to its development. PCOS affects between 6%-10% of reproductive- age women. and often develops during adolescence. PCOS manifests with the typical clinical features of hyperandrogenism. Lifestyle interventions are the first- line treatment for PCOS, especially when it is accompanied by obesity. This suggested priority is based on the fact that reduction of central fat ameliorates the PCOS phenotypes, inter alia improved cyclicity and resumption of ovulation. This review focuses on PCOS in Overweight and Obese Women, in development of Obesity and in Adolescents, Diagnostic Criteria in Adolescents, Risk Factor, Insulin Action in PCOS, Glucose Tolerance in PCOS, Epigenetic factors and Novel Management Strategies.
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