Advancement of Phage Therapy Approaches in The Battle of Multi-Drug Resistance: A Review
Pharmaceutical Science-Pharmaceutical Science and Technology
Antibiotic Resistance, Multidrug-Resistant Bacteria, Antimicrobial, Bacteriophage, and Phage TherapyAbstract
One of the most significant issues faced by humanity today is antibiotic resistance. Drugs are used in such vast amounts for human health, aquatic life, and agricultural animals that harmful bacteria have developed antibiotic resistance to various antibiotics. Further, the usage of antibiotics is increasing because of situations such as increased infections and chronic diseases that need antimicrobial treatment. Since antimicrobial resistance is rising, it is necessary to take action to help reduce and eliminate infectious diseases and ensure animal and human health. Because of this, many attempts are being made to tackle multi-drugresistant bacteria. Among the many advanced techniques that are occurring, the use of phage therapy is one such emerging procedure. The main aim of this prospective review is to identify the various new phage formulations available as a potential therapeutic intervention to combat multidrug resistance among bacteria and the objective is to identify the various reasons associated with the induction of the phenomenon of "multidrug resistance" among different bacteria, focusing on the use of phage therapy, its advantages as well as disadvantages over antibiotics as a possible therapeutic intervention. Various phage formulations, such as phage cocktails with antibiotics, nanoparticles, phage-delivering hydrogels, and many more, are emerging formulations that have successful results in fighting against multi-drug-resistant bacteria. Commercial phage solutions have helped combat antimicrobial resistance in poultry and livestock farms, improving everyone's health worldwide. As a result, this study shall serve as a source of information and understanding of the concerns mentioned above for the entirety of society and every human community.
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