A Case Report of Bruxism and Its Management with The Help of Occlusal Splints.

Life Sciences-Dental


  • Fareedi Mukram Ali Asst Professor; Dept of Oral & Maxillofacial surgery College of Dentistry; Jazan University; Jazan. KSA
  • Mesfer Ibrahim Abdullah Alsheri General Dental Practitioner Prince Sultan dental center Alnamas; Abha, KSA
  • Shumua Mahmoud Abdullah Shami General Dental Practitioner Mishal Medical Complex; Sabya, KSA
  • Arwa Jabar I. Mohana General Dental Practitioner Pure Smile Dental Clinics, Sabya, KSA.
  • Esraa Eissa Ibrahim Abujamilah General Dental Practitioner Jazan Dental Centre; Jazan, KSA.
  • Fahad Ali Abduallah Alshehri General Dental Practitioner Almajaredah General Hospital Aseer region; KSA.




Bruxism, attrition, clenching, malocclusion, splints, treatment.


Bruxism is considered a normal habit, but in case of certain circumstances like increased frequency of episodes and strength of the masticatory muscles, it can turn into a pathological phenomenon. Bruxism is an umbrella term for the parafunctional habits of grinding and clenching teeth. It can occur during wakefulness (clenching) or sleep (bruxism). A 31-year-old male patient complained of severe loss of coronal tooth structure in the upper anterior region of the jaw. Medical, drug and social history were within normal limits. However, clinical examination revealed maxillary anterior teeth showing severe "attrition", while other teeth had less attrition and infrequent pain in the temporomandibular joint with a clicking sound. By thorough examination and history of the patient, the diagnosis of the bruxism was made, and the patient was planned for the treatment with the help of a permissive occlusal splint. Occlusal splint therapy is used to stabilize the "TMJ " and protect the teeth, relax the masseter and temporalis muscles, increase inter-vertebral and inter-discal space, and allow the balance of bite forces and decrease bruxism activity. Therefore, early diagnosis and treatment can prevent the consequences of the breakdown of dentition and orofacial pain. This case report presents the successful treatment of occlusal splint therapy in patients with severe bruxism. 


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How to Cite

Mukram Ali, F. ., Abdullah Alsheri, M. I. ., Abdullah Shami, S. M. ., I. Mohana, A. J. ., Ibrahim Abujamilah, E. E. ., & Abduallah Alshehri, F. A. . (2023). A Case Report of Bruxism and Its Management with The Help of Occlusal Splints.: Life Sciences-Dental. International Journal of Life Science and Pharma Research, 13(2), L27-L30. https://doi.org/10.22376/ijlpr.2023.13.2.L27-L30



Case Study